Category Archives: Health Stories

15 Recommendations on Brushing an Autistic Child’s Teeth

Autistic children are just a little bit harder to work with as a parent, with brushing teeth one of the top problems on the list. Children with autism are hypersensitive, feeling things more thoroughly than the typically developing child. Tastes and smells can become too much. Meltdowns can become commonplace and severe. Parents in such a situation would become extremely frustrated themselves.

Autism brushes teeth

Animals a better Christmas Gift Option than Toys for Kids with Autism

If you are going out for some last minute shopping, celebrate Christmas any day other than tomorrow or want something to add onto what you have already gotten for your autistic child, a furry little cuddly animal might just do the trick. Autism makes children picky about what they like to play with, activities they want to pick up and generally has them reacting very differently to the gifts presented during the holidays than most typically-developing children.

pets for autistic kids

10 Reasons Why Santa Might be Autistic

Santa Clause is coming to town, but what if he is actually an autistic man who loves doing the world all the good he can. With all the worries surrounding Christmas, a bit of fun is always appreciated. Parents have way too much to cope with as it is when their children are on the spectrum and the holiday season is just days away.

Autistic Santa

33 Recommended Films and Shows with Autism to Watch this Christmas Season

With the winter upon us, coupled with longer days, spending time at home with your autistic children means lots of cuddling in front of a warm fireplace and movie. These days with the long nights should be used to create closer bonds with children, whether or not they are diagnosed with a disorder, enjoying good books, good games and good films.



Autism Insurance Coverage in the Workplace: Companies That Give You the Extra Help

Working while being a parent is hard enough without the added expenses of an autistic child at home, his or her therapies, doctor visits and problems with finding the proper day care that could be countered with the existence of autism-specific health insurance. Certain companies have now joined hands with parents like you who require the extra funding to be able to keep your home from drowning in debt due to the hefty expenses a child with autism incurs for the household.

Autism Insurance Coverage